"For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast." (Ephesians 2:8-9).

Random Photos

Tubby (2) first time roping & riding on his brand new saddle!
Go Tubby!

Buster taking care of his little sister.  She's a pistol!
She's pretty cute too!

Yes...those children are outside in the snow....in their underwear...carrying dangerous tools... 
And yes, the one in the back is wearing a coon skin cap! (Thanks a lot Sheila!) 
Who is their mother and where is she at?!?!?  Should we call social services?!?!?   

She's my mommy, she is beautiful, even when you can see her face.
You can call her Gramma Karen or Damma Traren.

Here is Tubby's V-day card to Grandma Penny.
Notice his roping skillz and that sweet tattoo!

Because... every 2 and 3 year old boy needs to know ALL about the wild west!
And because... if you talk about guns or knives ...  they quit fighting.
And mostly because... they have the best daddy of them all!